Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Sushi, Kamikaze, Fujiyama, Nipponichi..."

Dear, dear reader(s),

It's been too long. I know, I know- the fault is mine. I've been lazy in keeping you up to date. I will try to do better.

In the meantime... Click on that "St. Vincent's Team Page" linky over there on the right. Quick question: What don't you see on the list of "Top Fundraisers"?

I'll give you a moment.

Ok, the answer is: my name! Seriously folks- I will not be outfundraised by a bunch of who-dat flunkies. This is Mark Matuska were talking about here- aka the hub of a a global communication network that dwarfs all others in sheer fantastitude and ginorsomeness. Get cracking! Every little bit helps.

To those that have offered support- moral, financial, or athletic- you have my continued gratitude.

Speaking of athletic supporters....

My dear friend Cassie, who works for a PR firm somewhere, was kind enough to send over tubs and tubes of something called Aquaphor. I had never heard of this product before, but Cassie was adamant that it would be an indispensable aid in my quest to run further than I've ever run before. I was of course skeptical, but also eager for free crap. I believe my phrasing was "Go ahead and send me some lube."

I'm going to take a moment now to discuss a serious problem that affects many of us in one way or another- the problem of chafing. In my particular case, I create a great deal of heat between my legs in a completely un-fun way. For those of you who've seen me naked (and there are a few of you), you already understand; for those of you who have not, allow me to be more visual:

That photo was taken Tuesday. Anyway, thanks to this magic balm known to the free world as Aquaphor, I'm abrasion-free. Next time you see me, ask to check out my smooth inner thigh- you'll become a believer too!

Yeah Aquaphor!

(This has been an advertisement paid for with some sort of curious petroleum jelly. If you have some gelatinous goo (or something else) you think I can use, or think I might want, or think I might be able to store on a shelf, or might fit in my apartment, let me know. If I like it, I'll say something nice about it.)

On to more important things...

While I was on hiatus, Von Kaiser week came and went. I know you're dying to know, so...

Monday: 4.6 Miles
Tuesday: Eddie Vedder
Wednesday: 6.0 Miles
Thursday: 4.6 Miles
Friday: Little Buddy's Birthday Party
Saturday: Worst Hangover Ever
Sunday: 8ish miles

(Note: Google has recently added a "walking directions" option to its maps app, and it's pretty fantastic for calculating milage. Unfortunately, it's not very expansive- it's fairly detailed as far as the park, but is completely oblivious to the walkability of a number of bridges, including the Triborough and the 3rd Ave bridge. Also, Randalls Island doesn't exist in its universe. So, for the record, Sunday I ran through CP, crosstown to the East River on 103rd/2nd, across the 103rd St. footbridge to Randalls/Wards Island, north the length of the island, back to Harlem via the Triborough, and then over to the Bronx via the Willis Ave. bridge for a cup of coffee before coming back on the 3rd Ave Bridge and back to good ol' 118th. I have aspirations of running the GW bridge this weekend.)

Beers consumed:
Tuesday's Eddie Vedder Concert: 7
(I'd write more about this, but this blog entry's bloated already.)
Friday: Astronomical quantities

I count 23.2 miles run this week, meaning I need only have had fewer than 16 beverages on Friday night to come out the victor.

...It's frightening how unlikely that is.

However- if I can't remember, it didn't happen, right? Score this one for me...

Overall record: 2-2! As Marv Albert would say: Yes!
Let's meet this week's opponent!
For the Minor Circuit Championship Belt, it's...

Piston Honda Week!

More on the "TKO from Tokyo" tomorrow...

1 comment:

Cassandra Nye said...

MATUSKA - This is your friend with "free lube" from "a random PR firm" commenting ... you need to USE the Aquaphor and then you will understand why runners love it :) - it's better than body glide, better than vaseline, better than "some petroleum jelly." Trust me. ALSO - if you look at (the website you so kindly linked to) you will see it is also a blister treatment - which all runners inevitably need. I expect further posts on how it has changed your life.