Monday, August 25, 2008

"Ha Ha Ha! I'm the king! Ha Ha Ha!"

An off day today to "celebrate" my first interstate run, catch up with the Punch-Out!! theme, and rest my aching dogs...

So, I erroneously labeled the Don as a Frenchie yesterday. Turns out he's Spanish (which is obvious- I'm either getting dumber daily or merely suffering more frequent braincramps in my old age...) Roth is going to kill me. Perhaps I was confused by the fact that Don Flaming enters the ring to the overture from Carmen, which is of course set in Spain, but is performed in French. (Yeah, I knew that yesterday... right.) Reminds me of when my dear sister came to visit and took me to see Madame Butterfly, which is, for the uninitiated, a story of an American soldier in postwar Japan singing to his Asian half-bride in Italian. Opera makes no sense.

On the other hand, opera in this case affords me the opportunity to link to a useless YouTube clip. You asked for it, you got it: An orange singing the Habanera from Carmen:

Now that made sense.

On to the grisly details:
Monday: Browns @ Giants. Talk about fugly.
Tuesday: 7 miles
Wednesday: Suburban simulator
Thursday: Marathon Team Meeting, Ant's birthday dinner
Friday: 4.6 miles, Aileen's bday party
Saturday: Deep fog. Wake up in Astoria? End up at the Olive Garden?
Sunday: 11 miles

Sunday's 11-miler was a small victory of sorts, as this week I managed to find the George Washington Bridge pedestrian entry and run my way to Jersey. Of course, I turned back immediately.

As you may gather from the above, however, I encountered ample opportunity to break training last week, and I didn't disappoint. Vegas finally had to pay someone. The below are estimates:

Browns @ Giants- Petrov procured some free tickets to the game at the Meadowlands, and thank Crom they were free, because had I paid for that pathetic display of football-like substance I might have spontaneously combusted while stabbing myself with a blunt spoon. 4 16-oz Bud Heavies = 5 beers.

Suburban simulator- This entry refers to an invitation from Rothschild and DK to hang out in Connecticutian bliss over some mediocre margaritas and beers kept in exhorbitantly large refrigerators. Apparently, DK and his wife have adopted a pair of cats.


There aren't enough beers.

1 pre-dinner Heiny + 2 dinner margs + 1 dinner Negra Modelo + approx 4 post-dinner Manshack frothwagons = 8 alcobeverages

Ant's Bday @ Li'l' Frankie's- Great restaurant, bad for schedule. 1 pre-dinner beer, maybe 3 glasses of wine, 2 beers post-dinner, one round of shots abandoned for the sake of my job and my self-respect= 6 drinks

Aileen's Bday @ Bar 82- A semblance of restraint? Only four drinks consumed. Oh wait- I met Dane and Child Starc at the Sunburnt Cow for two more after. How I ended up in Astoria... I won't detail. 6 beers.

Olive Garden- Carb loading over the all-you-can-eat pasta bowl. The internet tells me the ammonia smell emanating from my sweat after long runs indicates I'm running through my glycogen stores and am burning amino acids. The solution is to consume more carbohydrates.

I guess I need to drink more booze.
2 beers.

Week 6 Tally:
22.6 miles run
27 drinks consumed
Verdict: "Join the Nintendo fun club today Mac!"
Overall record: 3-3

The past is the past. Let's look toward tomorrow, and the start of...

King Hippo Week!
Petrov has suggested we skip the 12 miler and jump straight to 13 to see how a half-marathon feels. Bet it's gonna feel great, Tim. F'n great.

Catch ya'll later on down the road...

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