Thursday, August 5, 2010

Run run run run run run run awwwwaaaaaaaayyyy....

In examining my recent health choices, I've uncovered an alarming pattern: no matter what the task might be, no matter how small, briefly engaging, obvious, or simple, I will avoid making the correct and/or responsible choice.  Let's examine what I did today as an example:

My boss leaves the office at 12:30 today to visit his son in Boston, leaving me with a sketch of a townhouse we're working on in highly schematic form.  My task?  Figure it out- not an unreasonable thing for an 8-year architecture vet to attempt to do.  How did I spend the rest of my day?

Not drawing.

Honestly, I don't know how I spent the day.  I was tired, having actually shown up on time after staying up late the night before.  But still- couldn't I have at least made an effort?

Apparently not.

 At 7pm, I decided I'd just stay and work while listening to the Indians game.  When they play on weekday afternoons, I often do this. Were these productive hours?


So I walk in my apartment door at 11:15pm not having had dinner, not having run, and not having actually accomplished anything over the course of the day.  I consider the dinner options: go grab a sandwich or two from the all-night deli,heat up some leftover beef stroghanoff, go with cold leftover nachos from the night before, and/or munch on a half a bag of leftover Cheetos from a Sunday binge that also included inhaling a bag of Gummi Bears.  What do I choose?

Leftover nachos and the bag of Cheetos.

After eating "dinner," the appropriate thing for me to do then is to take my nutrient cocktail, which was assembled with no real rhyme or reason based upon the pills that I have in-stock.  It includes: a Vitamin C tablet, the object of which is to stave off cold infections, which, because of my absurd (lack of) sleep schedule, I am particularly susceptible.  I should note here that I seem to be less susceptible these days, as I've (by real estimates) contracted roughly 94 of the known 200+ cold viruses over the course of my lifetime, and as such am immune to almost half the bugs out there.  Next up is a Vitamin E liquigel, as my doctor prior to Marathon 2008 suggested them as a liver booster to combat the chronic side stitches which may or may not have been related to my drinking habits.  (The stitches are gone, by the way, for the most part.)  I also take a one-a-day multivitamin, for the hell of it, and two glucosamine-chondroitin-MSM tablets which are supposed to promote joint health, because my knees hurt.  Finally, I take two garlic pills, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, other than that they are there.  Why do I have them?  Eh- another day.

Anyway, I'm leaving the kitchen and have turned off the light when I remember I should take my pills.  Do I do so?

No.  At least, not until I slap myself upside the head for being the laziest POS on this entire island.

Will I brush my teeth tonight after I'm finished typing?  50-50.

Let's get to the tally:

Week 2
July 25-Aug 1
Sunday: 3.3 miles, 2 beers
Monday: Rest, 1 beer
Tuesday: Boxing, 0 beers
Wednesday: 4.5 miles, 0 beers
Thursday: 3 miles, 1 beer
Friday: Rest, 5 lonely beers
Saturday: 6 miles, 1 beer

Totals: 17.8 miles, 11 beers

I suppose it's a win.  2-0.  I'm going to hold off on congratulating myself until I validate my humanity somehow.

More to come soon.  Off to Cleveland this weekend to assess the scorched earth of the LeBrocalypse.  Be seein' ya....


Unknown said...

I'm glad I read this Thursday morning instead of Monday, otherwise I probably would have killed myself.

Unknown said...

...but on the other hand, congratulations on being 2-0. I'm treading water at 1-1.

Teacher A said...

Sounds like you're doing well on the running front. Get some sleep - and then call me. I canceled the trip to Chicago so I'll be home when you get here.