Sunday, July 25, 2010

And... We're back!

Well, the "royal we" are back. I suppose it's more accurate to say that I'm Back, hoping to not waste your time, or mine, with further musings on an upcoming NYC Marathon, in which I expect to be a factor and finish in the top 10,000. This iteration portends to be something more than a blog of dreary runs in oppressive heat (of which there have been several so far- we'll get to that in a moment), but instead an exercise in conscience. Things left begun but unfinished, half done, almost there, and not quite, a log of which could, and may in fact someday, fill a book.

If only I could learn to use a comma appropriately!

Anyway, the runs have begun. I did Week 1 twice, a decision of necessity, as I'm in brutally incapable shape. We're only going to chart the past week, though, as in my old age my long term memory is fading. Not to fear, dear readers. We'll get there, individually, but as a group.

The plan:

16-Week Marathon Training Schedule
Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Total
1 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 5 Rest 15
2 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 6 Rest 16
3 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 7 Rest 17
4 3 Rest 5 3 Rest 8 Rest 19
5 3 Rest 5 3 Rest 10 Rest 21
6 4 Rest 5 4 Rest 11 Rest 24
7 4 Rest 6 4 Rest 12 Rest 26
8 4 Rest 6 4 Rest 14 Rest 28
9 4 Rest 7 4 Rest 16 Rest 31
10 5 Rest 8 5 Rest 16 Rest 34
11 5 Rest 8 5 Rest 17 Rest 35
12 5 Rest 8 5 Rest 18 Rest 36
13 5 Rest 8 5 Rest 20 Rest 38
14 5 Rest 8 5 Rest 9 Rest 27
15 3 Rest 5 3 Rest 8 Rest 19
16 3 Rest 3 Walk 2 Rest 26.2 Rest 34.2

The reality:
July 17-24
Sunday: 4 miles, 1 beer
Monday: Boxing, 1 beer
Tuesday: 3 miles, 0 beers
Wednesday: 4 miles, 1 beer
Thursday: 3 miles, 1 beer
Friday: Heavy Drinking (TM), 12 beers
Saturday: 5 terrible, terrible miles, 2 drinks (Hair of Dog corollary)

Miles Run: 19*
BoozeCount: 18

*Out-of-shape Matuskas running in 90-degree heat at 90% humidity sometimes need to walk

I should get some credit for boxing on Monday, right? So it's not that close. Week 1 is a win!

Overall record: 1-0

Soon, we'll have some actual content. In the meantime, check out my In Memoriam for Lou Brown below. Have a pleasant week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome back. Now go and get your shine box.