In fact...
Tim DID tell me he wanted to contribute to the blog somehow. I told him he could write something anytime he wanted, and he's chosen to comment on each of the first two weeks' entries. This strikes me as a poor effort on his part. So, without ado of any kind, including permission from the co-author:
Tuskers's and Bigfnbird's chat transcript (with commentary) from August 9th!
1:43 PM bigfinbird: how was cleveland?
1:44 PM me: OK. Had a good time while I was there
bigfinbird: with the other tuskas
me: 60 hours is about right
A quick note: My Cleveland trip was a bit more complicated than I've let on here. I didn't feel like talking much about it at the time. There is an extended recap in the editor's bin awaiting posting which I think will enlighten the reader. Tune back in sometime in the next few days. bigfinbird: or should i say "how was north dakota appeals court?"
1:45 PM me: Yeah, apparently there's a Mark Matuska out there that deals meth
bigfinbird: and he's you?
me: Ha
From an appellate brief in State v Matuska entered in the North Dakota State Supreme Court:
"On December 28th, 2006, Mark Matuska pled guilty to the crime of Possession of Methamphetamine within 1,000 feet of a school, a Class B Felony. Prior to sentencing, he sought to withdraw his guilty plea. On March 6th, 2007, Judge Bruce A. Romanick denied his request to withdraw his guilty plea. On March 20th, 2007, a criminal judgment was entered sentencing Matuska to five years in prison with credit for 187 days served. (App. 6-7)"
So, there's a Mark Matuska out there that likes to deal meth to kids. Many thanks to my friend Jen for bringing this to Tim's attention.
bigfinbird: so how did running go?
i have to make sure you're still on pace
1:46 PM me: There's also one who's a staffer for a Minesota state rep
This is actually incorrect. Mark D. Matuska of Minnesota WAS a staffer for the former Congressman Mark Kennedy of Minnesota. He is now a Regional Director in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. How do I know this? The Internet.
I did run
Not very well
bigfinbird: 7?
me: No sidewalks in willoughby hills
bigfinbird: yeah, i did 18 in aurora/solon last year
that blooooowed
me: I cut it short. It was annoying and I almost died twice
I'll make up for it this week
I was exaggerating a bit with the "almost died" stuff. There is something disconcerting, though, about running along a rural Ohio route with a 12" berm while cars pass you from behind at 50 miles per hour, not to mention uneven footing, blind hills and turns, and the occasional crumbling concrete bridge curb.
1:47 PM week 4
8 miles
me: yes yes
bigfinbird: i did 15 and it was painful...big jump from 12
me: You are insane
Read that again.15 (!?!?!) miles? It's frickin' Week 3! Why is this so easy for this jerk?
1:48 PM bigfinbird: off week, or off saturday this week
did 5.5 or so today
and then i might do 8 wednesay
but then off til tuesday
so i'll be rested
1:49 PM me: Well, I need to get in better shape still
my beer gut is still prominent
1:50 PM bigfinbird: i desirable attribute among power lifters
among marathoners....not so much
Thanks, buddy.
Here is where I save Tim some embarrassment and cut the part where he asks me a relationship question with an obvious answer that he somehow doubts. Tim is almost without peer in Goonsmanship, but every once in awhile his neuroses come through to the point that the Brute Squad considers revoking his license.
Nowz ze time on Shprockhets when Tim tellz me zumsing aboutz London:
2:00 PM by the way, i live by london city airport (small but still international flights)
2:01 PM and planes taking off from there 1 mile away look like they're gonna plow into planes lining up to land at heathrow every 10 minutes
i know they are thousands of feet apart
but it must be a mess to keep track of
me: Is that Gatwick? Or someplace altogetehr different
bigfinbird: different
gatwick is way south
2:02 PM i'm at the east end, it's called london city airport
planes take off west from there
and planes line up overhead there to fly west to land at heathrow
And then a pause...
7 minutes |
2:10 PM bigfinbird: lasagna time!
that's what i say
when i'm eating lasagna
And we're done. That was fun, no? Maybe I'll do it again sometime.
A quick recap of This Week in Running:
Week 3
August 1-7
Sunday: Rest, 0 beers
Monday: 4.5 miles, 0 beers
Tuesday: Rest, 0 beers
Wednesday: 4.5 miles, 0 beers
Thursday: 4.5 miles, 0 beers
Friday: Fly to Cleveland (boy are my arms tired), 6 beers
Saturday: 5.4 miles, lots and lots of beer
Totals: 18.9 Miles, Eleventy Beers
Saturday was marked by excessive consumption of High Gravity Steel Reserve, which not only qualifies as a malt liquor at 8.1% ABV, but also comes in a handy 16oz. can. My father purchased it. I find it depressing to contemplate what this stuff is doing to my insides, so I'm just going to skip it and chalk one up in the loss column.
Overall Record: 2-1
Hey, the Browns won't be going 16-0, either.
Up this week: More travels, I'm afraid. I've been running well so far, but probably not enough to make up for what was a brutally irresponsible Sunday. Keep a look out for my Cleveland recap, which looks to be chock full of seriousness with some lighter interludes entwined. Till next week...
And we're done. That was fun, no? Maybe I'll do it again sometime.
A quick recap of This Week in Running:
Week 3
August 1-7
Sunday: Rest, 0 beers
Monday: 4.5 miles, 0 beers
Tuesday: Rest, 0 beers
Wednesday: 4.5 miles, 0 beers
Thursday: 4.5 miles, 0 beers
Friday: Fly to Cleveland (boy are my arms tired), 6 beers
Saturday: 5.4 miles, lots and lots of beer
Totals: 18.9 Miles, Eleventy Beers
Saturday was marked by excessive consumption of High Gravity Steel Reserve, which not only qualifies as a malt liquor at 8.1% ABV, but also comes in a handy 16oz. can. My father purchased it. I find it depressing to contemplate what this stuff is doing to my insides, so I'm just going to skip it and chalk one up in the loss column.
Overall Record: 2-1
Hey, the Browns won't be going 16-0, either.
Up this week: More travels, I'm afraid. I've been running well so far, but probably not enough to make up for what was a brutally irresponsible Sunday. Keep a look out for my Cleveland recap, which looks to be chock full of seriousness with some lighter interludes entwined. Till next week...
I forgot how much I love your miles vs beers system of training. You've got a book deal in there somewhere.
It is difficult to lodge some sort of formal protest against the IM's, because I don't have a copy of the original transcripts, and I don't know what has actually been omitted.
This leaves me in a position similar to the Pentagon vs. Wikileaks: not only do I have no leverage against you (in spite of my superior power, you are overseas and out of reach), but I also don't even know the extent of the leverage that you have over me (the documents that you have released appear to be authentic, but I haven't yet verified them, and I do not know which other documents you might even possess, conveniently labelled "Insurance" in the corner of your website).
Since I am in this compromised position, I find it necessary to follow the Pentagon's lead and resort to a completely empty threat. In fact, I will borrow their text:
"[Tim] demands that [Mark Matuska] return[s] immediately to the U.S. government [or to me] all versions of documents obtained directly or indirectly from the Department of Defense databases or records [or IM logs, as the case may be]." There will be no consequences if you do not, but you will feel extremely bad about not having done the right thing.
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